Welcome to Banco Montepio.

This month, we celebrate Savings and its importance in building a more prosperous and sustainable future. Supporting families in saving and achieving their life goals has been Banco Montepio's mission since day one. Here, you can find out how we're making it happen.
Gerir o orçamento familiar e criar hábitos de poupança é essencial para garantir um futuro mais próspero e seguro para si e para a sua família. Ao destinar parte do seu rendimento para poupança, estará a acumular dinheiro para realizar os seus sonhos, preparar a sua reforma ou o futuro das próximas gerações ou fazer face a algum imprevisto ou despesa inesperada. Poupar é viver o hoje e preparar o amanhã.

Importance of Savings.

Managing your family budget and establishing saving habits is essential to ensure a more prosperous and secure future for yourself and your family. By allocating a portion of your income to savings, you will be accumulating money to fulfill your dreams, prepare for your retirement, secure the future of the next generations, or handle unexpected expenses.
No Banco Montepio encontra diferentes formas de poupar e fazer crescer o seu dinheiro. A curto ou a longo prazo. Para um projeto pessoal ou para a reforma. Com risco ou sem risco de capital. Para a micro-poupança no dia a dia ou para rentabilizar a poupança já acumulada.

Different ways to save.

At Banco Montepio, you find different options to grow your money. Whether you want to save for short-term or long-term goals, with or without risk, save your surplus money every month, or make the most of your accumulated savings.
Encontre no Banco Montepio poupanças focadas no futuro e com um legado histórico de 179 anos a ajudar sucessivas gerações de portugueses e portuguesas a poupar. Uma história que se completa com o primeiro mealheiro público do país, que transporta inúmeras recordações e se tornou um elemento chave na educação financeira de crianças portuguesas.

Remarkable past, promising future.

At Banco Montepio, you have access to savings options focused on the future, with a historical legacy of 179 years supporting successive generations of Portuguese families in their savings endeavours. This history is complemented by the Portuguese's first public piggy bank, which holds numerous memories and has become a key element in the financial education of Portuguese children.

Start saving today.

When it comes to saving, choose a bank that makes a difference.

We're by your side.

Temporary fixation of the mortgage installment
Measures to mitigate the impact of mortgages' interest rate rise (Decree-Law No. 91/2023) (Portuguese version).
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Interest rate subsidy on mortgages
Measures to mitigate the impact of mortgages' interest rate rise (Decree-Law No. 20-B/2023) (Portuguese version).
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Mortgage renegotiation
Measures to mitigate the impact of mortgages' interest rate rise (Decree-Law No. 80-A/2022) (Portuguese version).
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Penalty-free early redemption of savings plans
Until 31 December 2023, customers may redeem their retirements and education savings plans early, without penalty.
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